Green Key
We are proud to be part of the green story. We obtained the environmental mark, the Green Key, which is a leading standard of excellence in the field of environmental responsibility and sustainable operation.
Green key is international environmental certificate for labelling of tourist establishments that implement strict criteria in the field of environmental responsibility and sustainable behaviour, set out by Foundation for Environmental Education. It aims to reduce harmful effects of the tourist establishments on the environment and to spread environmental awareness among employees, their guests, suppliers and beyond in the tourism industry.
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Energy renovation of Villa Edelweiss
We are aware of the importance of preserving the environment, which is why we successfully applied for the public tender “Support to micro, small and medium-sized companies in the field of tourism to increase material and energy efficiency”
The investment includes the following measures, which are part of the building’s energy rehabilitation:
- Heat pump installation
- Installation of economical taps and kettles
- Energy efficient lighting
- Roof insulation
- Purchase of a waste press
The objectives of the operation are:
The share of the planned annual energy reduction at the facility after the operation by 61.3%.
The share of the planned reduction of drinking and sanitary water after the performed operation by 51.3%.
The proportion of the planned reduction in the amount of waste after the operation was carried out by 52.5%.
Financial support:
The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Fund for Regional Development.
Value of the operation: EUR 118,400.00 (without VAT)
Value of co-financing: EUR 82,880.00